Legal document: CUL Or.1080 J128

Legal document CUL Or.1080 J128


Legal document. Looks like the handwriting of Natan b. Shemuel. Location: Fustat. Involves someone close to the government (יתעזז באלמלכות); someone who obtained a governmental rescript (tawqīʿ) ordering the investigation of a matter (ווקע לה עליהא בכשף אלאמר); Barakāt al-Kohen; Sitt al-Kull bt. Mūsā known as al-Raṣṣāṣ, the widow of Barakāt; al-Rayyis al-Ajall al-Nagid; Abū l-ʿAlāʾ; testifying that someone has never been a relative of Barakāt al-Kohen; instructing the widow to try to obtain the tawqīʿ and "the tathbīt" from the person who has it; the property of orphans; a prolonged dispute; and seeking help from the Nagid. Quite damaged and difficult to piece together the story.. Verso is covered with jottings in Hebrew and Arabic script and includes the name Yaʿaqov b. Avraham.