List or table: NLI 577.2/7
List or table NLI 577.2/7Description
Recto with a couple lines on verso (secondary use): List of names (memorial list) in Hebrew. Dating: probably early 11th century. The list is headed by "[ghulām?] Ibn ʿAwkal"; unclear if this is related. The names include Saʿadya; Yosef; Yosef's sons Shelomo and Elʿazar; Yiṣḥaq; Yaʿaqov; Moshe; Yehoshuaʿ b. Natan; Shelomo b. ʿEli al-Baghdādī(?) ha-Shulḥani and his brother-in-law Yeshuʿa b. David; Abū l-Ḥasan; [...]; Mevorakh b. Efrayim; Shelomo b. Saʿadya Ibn Ṣaghīr; Avraham b. Yosef b. Ḥujayj ha-Kohen. On verso: Abū ʿAlī Ḥasān b. Yeshuʿa; Ḥusayn b. Sahlān(?).