Letter: T-S Misc.28.166

Letter T-S Misc.28.166


Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Addressed to Natan b. Avraham ha-Kohen Sholal (?). The writer expresses his longing for the addressee (r1–4). He gives news of family members such as the addressee's maternal uncle Moshe (doing well), news of the addressee's father ('sayyidak,' the next phrase is unclear), and news of business in his location (doing poorly: al-bilād fasadat) (r4–8). In the remainder of the letter he gives his own news (traveling to the 'west') (r9). Two people have died (r13) in addition to the writer's own wife (r14). He gives the addressee advice in case he enters Egypt/Fustat (r17), involving al-Ḥajj Qasim b. Tammām. Merits further examination ASE.
