List or table: T-S AS 210.102
List or table T-S AS 210.102Description
Probably list of donors. Some of the names are familiar from TS K15.6 - a list of contribution to the poor from 1178 (See Goitein Med. Soc. II, 483-484 [India Book, I38). Names include: Bū Manṣūr al-Bilbaysī; the partner (sharīk) of Bū l-Riḍā Hiba; Barakāt b. ʿAmmār; Bū Saʿd al-Zayyāt; Mufaḍḍal b. Ṭayyib; Barakāt b. Ṭayyib; Bū ʿAlī Ibn al-Muṭrib; Bū l-Majd al-Ṣayrafī; Bū Sahl b. Ayyūb.