List or table: T-S AS 202.415
List or table T-S AS 202.415Description
List in Judaeo-Arabic containing several discrete entries. The context is unclear, possibly related to inheritance. The first entry mentions ʿAbdallāh and the phrase מדאהב בית גדידה. The next mentions Abū Saʿīd Khalaf b. [...]. The next is a list of books belonging to a certain cantor: אגזא ערביה וגזו מגלד חזאנה וכראריס פירוש וה כראריס וגזוין לטאף חזאנה. An entry at 180 degrees names Fāṭima bt. ʿArabiyya(?) and her female slave Shaʿaf. Reused on both recto and verso for pen trials in Hebrew and Arabic script.