Scholarship on State document: T-S Ar.42.194

State document T-S Ar.42.194
  1. Bibliographic citation
    Alan Elbaum, Marina Rustow and Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished editions (n.p., 2023).
    Relation to document
    • Digital Edition
  2. Bibliographic citation
    Marina Rustow, Alan Elbaum and Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished translations (n.p., 2023).
    Relation to document
    • Digital Translation

T-S Ar.42.194 1r

Alan Elbaum, Marina Rustow and Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished editions (n.p., 2023).


  1. مملوك مولاتنا خلد الله ملكها

  2. الخلف(؟)

  3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

  4. عبد مولاتنا السيدة الشـ[ـريفة]

  5. الملكة حرس الله ملكها وحرس عزها

  6. وادام ملكها وسلطانها

  7. ينهي الى الحضرة الشريفة \\حرس الله عزها\\ قضية (alt:قصور) 

  8. حاله وضعفه وانه كان قد

  9. حمل الى الخزانة المعمورة بدائم العز

  10.  على يد عبدها لاحق

  11.  ……من و….الثمن ثلث دينار

  12.  وعبدها ضعيف فقير

  13.  [            ]ولمولاتنا

  14.  خلد الله ملكها

  15.  صدقات ومعروف

  16.  ومملوك مولاتنا خلد الله ملكها

  17.  يتضرع الى مكانتها

  18.  في الصدقة عليه بذلك

  19.  ولمولاتنا خلد الله ملكها

  20.  عالي الراي في

  21.  [ذلك ان شا الله]

Marina Rustow, Alan Elbaum and Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished translations (n.p., 2023).
  1. The slave of our mistress, may God make her reign eternal

  2. (al-Khalaf?)

  3. In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful.

  4. The slave of our mistress, the noble, royal 

  5. lady, may God make her reign eternal and protect her glory

  6. and prolong her reign and her power,

  7. informs the noble presence, may God protect her glory,

  8. of his situation and his weakness, and that he 

  9. brought to the prosperous (i.e., government) warehouses (or endowed treasury)

  10. by the hand of her slave, to the more entitled

  11. ……..,the price of three dinars.

  12. Her slave is weak and poor 

  13. [        ] Our mistress,

  14. may God make her reign eternal,

  15. is charitable and beneficent/equitable.

  16. The servant of our mistress, may God make her reign eternal,

  17. begs for favor before the seat of our lady

  18. [ ]

  19. To our mistress, may God make her reign eternal,

  20. belongs the lofty opinion in 

  21. [this, if God wills.]

T-S Ar.42.194 1v

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