Legal document: T-S 13J4.15
Legal document T-S 13J4.15What's in the PGP
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Two betrothal contracts. First is of Wazira bt. ___ b. Yishaq. The groom's name is effaced, but his marriage payment is 5+30. The second is between two Karaites: Moshe b. Shelomo(?) and Muwafaqa bt. Shemuel. The only payment information is something about 400 dirhams. The hand is very close to that of the clerk who wrote many of the letters of Yehoshua Maimonides (d. 1355); perhaps a coincidence, or perhaps he had a long life. [RR and MCD]
T-S 13J4.15 1r

T-S 13J4.15 1v

T-S 13J4.15 2r

T-S 13J4.15 2v