Letter: T-S 10J31.11
Letter T-S 10J31.11What's in the PGP
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Letter from an unnamed business agent (fattore), in Egypt, to his employer Yosef Naftali. In Hebrew. Dating: Second half of the 16th century. The addressee appears also in T-S Misc.28.168. The letter concerns trade with Venice, where scammony (אשקמוניאה) is in high demand. Mentions spices and pepper and silk from Safed. Mentions Rabbi Moshe D'Larya of Safed, who is the representative of 'the holy congregation of Turkey'; Yehuda Masʿūd; and Yaʿaqov Albo. Dated Sunday 29 Adar. (Information from CUDL and A. David's edition on FGP.)