Legal document: T-S AS 150.121 + T-S AS 150.122 + T-S AS 150.123
Legal document T-S AS 150.121 + T-S AS 150.122 + T-S AS 150.123What's in the PGP
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Fragments of a legal document. Mentioning Natan and his mother, [...] b. Yosef, Ḥasan, Nāḥūm b. Ismāʿīl (aka Naḥum b. Shemuel), Mevasser/Mubashshir, and an unsuccessful attempt to prove with four testimonies that something was coerced. Also how Naḥum was upset about the Jewish court's ruling so he threatened apostasy and went to the shaliṭ/wālī of Alexandria and gave him a bribe and maybe had his opponent arrested and/or fined. Needs further examination. (Information in part from CUDL)