Scholarship on Legal document: T-S Ar.38.66

Legal document T-S Ar.38.66
  1. Bibliographic citation
    Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
    Location in source
    • Doc. 33
    Relation to document
    • Digital Edition
    • Digital Translation
    • Edition
    • Translation

T-S Ar.38.66 2r

Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).

Recto - top fragment

  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وحده وصلواته على سيدنا محمد نبيه واله [               ] . سلم تسليـ[ـما]

  2. هذا ما اصدق رضوان بن عطية يكنی ...[                    ]

  3. [                                      ]...[                                       ]

Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).

Recto- Top Fragment

  1. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. Praise be to God alone and  his blessings be upon our lord Muḥammad, his prophet, and his family [ ] and save them  

  2. This is what Riḍwān ibn ʿAṭiyya, with the patronymic [ ] bestowed  upon [ ]  

  3. [ ] ... [ ]  


T-S Ar.38.66 1r


Recto - bottom fragment

  1. المحروسة ومصر .[                                                        ]

  2. رجال احرار مسلمين وهم ابو عـ[لـ]ـي .. ...[                            ]

  3. وشهدوا عنده انهم يعرفونها .[                                    ]صحيحة العقل

  4. {والعقل} والبدن جائزة الأمر غير ذات زوج ولا في عدة منه ولا ولى لها حاضر وقبل الزوج ذلك قبولا صحيحا وضمن كل منهم احضار

  5. الاخر بشی احتيج اليه شهد على اقرار القاضي الولى المزوج والزوجين والمعرفين بما فيه {في} \\صح\\ في اليوم الرابع عشر من جمادى الآخرة سنة

  6. تسع وخمسين وخمس مائة فيه مصلح نظر وهو صحيح على بن غنائم بن محمد المدين

Witness 1

  1. شهد احمد بن عبد الملك بن الحسين بن مهدي الأنصاري

  2. على اقرار القاضي الأنجب عماد الدولة الولى المزوج

  3. والزوجين والمعرفين بما فيه في تاريخه صح

Witness 2

  1. شهد يحيى بن ابرهيم بن على بن الحسن على اشهاد القاضي عماد الدولة

  2. ابي الفضائل الحسن بن الحيان بن على المعدل بالقاهرة المحروسة ومصر الولی

  3. المزوج واقرار الزوجين والمعرفين بما فيه بتاريخ الرابع عشر من جمادى الآخرة سنة

  4. تسع وخمسين وخمس مائة صح

Recto- Bottom Fragment 

  1. the guarded and Fusṭāṭ [ ]  

  2. free, Muslim men, and they are Abū ʿAlī [ ]  

  3. and they testified in his presence that they recognized her [  ] sound in mind  

  4. and body, legally capable of conducting her affairs, without husband, not in the legally required waiting period after divorce from one, nor had she a legal guardian who is present. The husband accepted that with a valid acceptance and each guaranteed to convey  

  5. to the other what was required. The acknowledgement by the qāḍī, by the legal  guardian performing the marriage, by the two spouses and by the chamberlains of what is contained herein was witnessed on the fourteenth of Jumādā II, in the year

  6. five-hundred and fifty-nine. It contains one corrected word: 'supervision' (?). This is correct. ʿAlī ibn Ghanāʾim ibn Muḥammmad, the moneylender. 

Witness Clauses 

  1. Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd aI-Malik ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn Mahdī al-Anṣārī testified  

  2. to the acknowledgement by the noble qāḍī ʿImād al-Dawla,the legal guardian  performing the marriage,  

  3. by the two spouses and by the chamberlains of what is herein, on its date. Valid.  

  4. Yaḥyā ibn Ibrāhīm ibn ʿAlī ibn al-Ḥasan testified to the act of calling witnesses  by the qāḍi ʿlmād al-Dawla  

  5. Abu al-Faḍāʾil al-Ḥasan ibn Ḥayyān ibn ʿAlī, the accredited witness in Cairo, the  guarded, and Fusṭāṭ, the legal guardian  

  6. performing the marriage, and the acknowledgement by the two spouses and by the chamberlains of what is contained herein on the fourteenth of Jumādā II, in the year  

  7. five-hundred and fifty-nine. Valid.  


T-S Ar.38.66 2v


T-S Ar.38.66 1v

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