Letter: ENA NS I.97
Letter ENA NS I.97What's in the PGP
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Letter or monumental sign with a greeting text (ברוך אתה בבואך ברוך אתה בצאתך) with the name Shemuel Ashkenazi is listed in the first-person in connection with the Qehilat Qodesh ווארשילויק. Dated 1 Kislev 5415 AM (1654/55). ווארשילויקה is Voroshilovka in modern day Ukraine. The calligraphic text in square Hebrew characters is interspersed with numerous signatures in different Sephardi scribal hands, some of which are also in the first person (אני הצעיר): Yaʿaqov Melamed, Yiṣḥaq ʿAʿtal[?], Yosef Kohen, Mordekhay b. Yahuda Barhōn, ...īn b. ʿEzra, Avraham Kla_res, Shemuʾel ha-Levi Ḥazan, Yaʿaqov Musgaf_[?], Natan Ḥanīn, Avraham Kohen aka Lazawī, among others. This combination of names, scribal hands, and geographical provenance is difficult to explain given the limited text available. Perhaps Shemuel Ashkenazi was a shaliaḥ traveling through the Middle East seeking aid on behalf of the Voroshilovka community and, over the course of his travels, allowed people to sign this greeting text. Hundreds of Jewish communities in what is now modern-day Ukraine were impacted by the Chmielnicki Pogroms of 1648-49, shortly before the date listed on the document (1 Kislev 5415 AM // 1654/55 CE. MCD. NB: The IIIF image associated with this fragment in the PGP and DPUL is incorrect– the correct image appears in FGP.
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