Legal document: ENA 3965.1

Legal document ENA 3965.1

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Deed of sale, of a house. In Arabic script. Large. Dating: Ottoman-era. Lists the borders of a property. Mentions names such as Fāṭima (the buyer?) and the two sellers ʿĀbidīn b. Ibrāhīm al-Khawlī and Aḥmad b. [...] b. Sālim al-Khawlī. Someone is acting on behalf of their minor children (including Suwaylim and Ṣāliḥa). The transaction takes place in ghurūsh/guruş, a silver coin minted by the Ottoman Empire as early as 1690 CE but did not reach wide circulation until 1703 CE, and one piastre/guruş hypothetically equaled 40 para/medin. Needs further examination.


ENA 3965.1 recto


ENA 3965.1 verso

Image Permissions Statement
  • ENA 3965.1: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain