Legal document: T-S 12.53
Legal document T-S 12.53What's in the PGP
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Power of attorney (שטר אורכתא). Mentions: Makhlūf Ibn ʿAyn Sārra; Yiṣḥaq [ha-Le]vi b. [...] al-ʿAjamī; Alexandria; 6 dinars; Moshe Neʾeman ha-Yeshiva (he may be the agent for obtaining the 6 dinars from somebody else). The physician (ha-rofeʾ) ʿOvadya b. Yefet ha-Levi is the person issuing the power of attorney. Date and location are not preserved. Makhlūf Ibn ʿAyn Sārra is known from numerous documents from the India trade spanning the period 1103 (T-S 12.392) to 1141 (ENA 4020.8)—see Goitein, Med Soc V, p. 246f. This document is from the earlier end of that range, as it was validated by Ṣadoq b. Yoshiyyahu Av Bet Din and his court (known from Megillat Evyatar and documents from Tyre in the late 11th century). The main document has seven signatures: Ghālib b. Aharon ha-Kohen; Netanel b. ʿAmram; Meshullam b. Sahlān; Moshe b. Natan b. Naḥmūn; Yosef b. Yaʿaqov; ʿEli b. al-Faḍl; ʿEli b. Mevorakh. The validation has 4 signatures: Ṣadoq b. Yoshiyyahu Av Bet Din (who also wrote it); Eliyyahu b. Ḥalfon; Netanel b. Yosef; Araḥ b. Natan the Seventh (ha-sheviʿi ba-ḥavura) (aka Musāfir b. Wahb, known from documents from Alexandria ca. 1090s–1110s CE).