Legal document: T-S 18J2.13
Legal document T-S 18J2.13What's in the PGP
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Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Dated: Mentions Sunday, 15 Tammuz 1428 Seleucid = 17 June 1117 CE. Concerning Avraham b. Yakhin ha-Kohen known as Ibn al-Tawwān (son of the tuna vendor), who is suspected to be illicitly living with his divorcee Sitt al-Ḥusn bt. Saʿadya known as Bint al-Ḥadaba ("daughter of the hump"). Avraham was then forced to draw up a second divorce deed for his wife, which he did, and gave it to Abū l-Faḍl Yakhin Rosh ha-Qehillot as his agent, who in turn gave it to al-Ḥazzān al-Raḥbī (the cantor from Raḥba, later identified as Netanʾel b. Yeshuʿa the parnas) as his agent, who then went to her house and found her sitting in the "khizāna," where he delivered the bill of divorce in the presence of Abū Yaʿqūb Yūsuf b. Shelomo al-Neʾeman al-Qudsī and Yosef b. Yefet ha-Levi. One of the witnesses of the document is Yiṣḥaq b. Shemuel ha-Sefaradi. (Information in part from CUDL and Goitein's index card.)