Legal document: T-S 16.178 + T-S NS 320.72

Legal document T-S 16.178 + T-S NS 320.72


Marriage contract (ketubba). Written and signed by the cantor Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya. Groom: Menaḥem b. Hillel. Bride: Sutūt bt. Shelomo. Dated: Tuesday (date not preserved) 13[..] (ca. 10[40] CE). Also signed by Avraham b. David and and [...] ha-Kohen b. Eliyya(?). The verso has the name Ibn al-Fuqqāʿī (בן אלפקאעי). An adaptation of the biblical verse Proverbs 18:22 is used, known to be a favored and distinctive choice of the scribe Yefet b. David. (Information in part from CUDL.) Join: Alan Elbaum

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