List or table: ENA NS 77.389

List or table ENA NS 77.389

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List, in Judaeo-Persian, mentioning Yiṣḥaq parnas, a social welfare official. Has Coptic numerals, e.g. no. 5, and perhaps the Hebrew tq (= 500?). Handwriting, too, suggests this is a late list (16th century?), and unlike the alms lists, donor lists, and accounts from the classical period.Similar lists occur in ENA NS 77.54, ENA NS 77.51, and ENA NS 77.388. NB: This description corresponds to a different, unidentified shelfmark.



ENA NS 77.389 1

Mark Cohen, unpublished editions‎ (in Judaeo-Arabic).
  1. .......]......
  2. ...].. יצחק כדר..[
  3. הזאר הזאר תק
  4. 5 5
  5. יעקב ם..ר ם משה
  6. עבדול [ה]ז[אר] הזאר
  7. 4 4
  8. יצחק רוסתם בך.יא
  9. פרנס תק תק
  10. תק
  11. 4 4?
  12. שמואל מ.[
  13. מש..[

ENA NS 77.389 2

Image Permissions Statement
  • ENA NS 77.389: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain