Letter: ENA NS 29.23

Letter ENA NS 29.23

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Letter in Arabic, from a state official within Meḥmed ʿAlī Pasha's administration detailing a variety of transactions involving individuals with the title Effendi. Dated 16 Dhū l-Ḥijja 1245 AH (1830 CE). Meḥmed ʿAlī Pasha is referenced indirectly at least once in the letter (l. 8: efendīna wālī al-niʿam) where his title appears in connection with a kethüda who was in the Pasha's service. The letter sender is listed as: Muḥammad Maʾmūr Qism Rābʿi, a high-ranking official in the provincial administration. When Egypt was divided into 24 administrative aqsām in the 1820s the fourth qism was comprised of the region surrounding Mit Ghamar—but it's unclear whether the city's full name or a shorthand reference appears in the official's signature. MCD.



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Image Permissions Statement
  • ENA NS 29.23: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain