State document: ENA 2808.68
State document ENA 2808.68Tags
Righthand fragment, recto (original use): Petition, probably. In Arabic script, with gigantic space between the lines. Portions of the last few lines are preserved. Mentions bearing witness about something; probably the tail end of a raʾy clause (ʿālī fī dhālika in shāʾa llāh); and concludes with prayers for Muḥammad and a ḥasbala.
Edition: Umrethwala, Yusuf
ENA 2808.68 recto
Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished editions (n.p., 2023).Righthand document (recto)
- ]....[
- ـ]عه واشهد على ثقة (alt=بقية) فيها
- [ولمولانا صلوات الله عليه الراي الـ]ـعالي في ذلك ان شا الله
- [الحمد لله]وحده وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد واله[وسلم تسليما]
- حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل