Legal document: JRL Gaster heb. ms 1636/12a
Legal document JRL Gaster heb. ms 1636/12aDescription
Legal document. Location: Tehran ('on the river Zu l-Qarnayn'). Dated: Tuesday, 16 Av 5673 AM, which is 1913 CE. Concerning the sending of a bill of divorce from Mashiaḥ/Masīḥ b. Shelomo to his wife Sulṭāna bt. Eliyya Shākī. It seems that the agent appointed to deliver the get, Yeḥezqel b. Yehuda, is appointing Nūrallāh b. Moshe to be his agent. There are witnesses listed in the document as well as witnesses underneath, and a seal in purple ink with both Hebrew and Arabic script.