Letter: Yevr.-Arab. II 1480

Letter Yevr.-Arab. II 1480


Letter from the Qaraite community of Jerusalem to the Qaraite community of Damascus. The scribe is Meir Rofe Tawrīzī, and the letter is also signed by Mordekhai Hillel and ʿAbd al-Raḥīm. Written in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Unknown, but possibly the 1580s CE based on the mention of the sanjak named Abū Sayfayn, known from other sources to have been the administrator of the sanjak of Nablus under Sinan Pasha. The letter is a vivid account of the dire circumstances and persecutions in Jerusalem. The writers mention that the Rabbanites were in fact oppressed even more, but they subsequently turned on the Qaraites. The writers need assistance, and they write that they are seeking it from Damascus because the community of Fustat/Cairo "is not to be turned to," it seems due to troubles of their own. Needs further examination.
