Literary text: ENA 2948.10 + ENA 2713.17 + ENA 2815.8

Literary text ENA 2948.10 + ENA 2713.17 + ENA 2815.8



Medical recipes and remedies in Ladino and Hebrew. The recto contains two entries and in the second the writer switches from Hebrew completely into Ladino. The first entry mentions the use of "fire/אש" (l.2r, 4r) in the recipe includes the direction to "make a cake/עשה עוגה" (l.3r). Before switching into Ladino, the second entry on the recto mentions the use of "spring water/ מיים מן המעין" (l.10-11r) and there is also mention of "the sun/השמש" which is faintly legible along one of the fragment's lower tears (l.11r). Further down in Ladino there is mention of angels with "אנג׳ילו" and "אנג׳יל" (l.13r). On the verso all recipe entries are in Ladino and the penultimate one refers to an "infant/קירייאטורה" (l.) in the same unique spelling as the join ENA 2713.17. MCD.

ENA 2948.10 recto




ENA 2948.10 verso


ENA 2713.17 recto


ENA 2713.17 verso


ENA 2815.8 recto


ENA 2815.8 verso

Image Permissions Statement
  • ENA 2713.17: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain
  • ENA 2815.8: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain
  • ENA 2948.10: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain