Legal document: Yevr. II B 285

Legal document Yevr. II B 285



Legal document / ownership note for a codex of the Torah. Location: Baghdad. Dated: Friday, 13 Iyyar 1360 Seleucid, which is 1049 CE. In Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. The document attests that Eliezer ʿAbd al-Karīm b. Daniel Ibn al-Ṣulḥī sold this codex to Yaḥyā b. Seʿadya Ibn al-Ḥajawī for the price of 30 Imāmī dinars (i.e. from the caliph's mint). Witnessed by Yosef b. Aharon. There is a subsequent ownership note in the upper margin stating that Daniel Ibn Abī Yaʿqūb acquired the codex from the Yaḥyā b. Seʿadya mentioned in the original document. There are at least two further ownership notes, one of which mentions the Qaraites.