Legal document: Yevr. II A 1312

Legal document Yevr. II A 1312



Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dating: Of the original date, only Wednesday the first of [...], [..]70 Seleucid is preserved. The certificate is for Abū l-Khayr b. ʿOvadya b. Avraham b. Moshe b. Shelomo b. David b. Eliezer b. ʿUzziyahu b. [David?] b. Ḥisday b. Yeḥizqiyahu b. Shelomo b. David b. Boʿaz b. Yoshiyahu b. Sha'ul b. ʿAnan. ʿUzziyahu may be a brother of Shelomo b. David b. Ḥisday, who died in 600 AH (1203/04 CE) according to Ibn al-Hiti's Arabic Chronicle of Arabic Doctors. In that case, the present document can be dated to roughly seven generations following ~1200 CE.