List or table: T-S NS J215

List or table T-S NS J215



Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, perhaps. At the top appears the name Seʿadya b. Shelomo b. Yefet ha-Levi (all given titles such as pe'er and hod ha-leviim). There follow calculations regarding the proceeds from the sale of a kitchen (?). There follows a block of text describing the kitchen, naming [...] al-Lebdī, mentioning Dīwān al-Aḥbās in Fustat (the government bureau in charge of waqf properties), and ending with the line, "its fame makes its description unnecessary." There follow several lines of Arabic script in red ink, probably pen trials, including the word "waṣal" several times, then "fī yawm al...," then "Cancer rose." There are also two lines in both Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic on verso.

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