Legal document: BL OR 4856.2

Legal document BL OR 4856.2


Testimony dated the 8 Av 1776 Seleucid = 31 July 1465 CE. Regarding Manṣūr b. Ibrāhīm ("known as the leprous (al-Abras)"?) and another party who had a terrible quarrel regarding the reading of Rahamim on the night of the upcoming Yom Kippur. All the numerous undersigned testify that Mansur has renounced his right to read them: Ovadyah b. Shemuel [...] known as Tajir; Aharon b. Moshe known as 'Ammani; Se'adyah b. Sedaqah Ghazzawi; Ovadyah b. Yehudah known as Amshati; Yeshu'ah b. [...] known as Sayrafi; Sedaq[ah?] b. Binyamin; Yeshu'ah b. Yehudah knonw as Fuhayd (?); and Yeshuʿa b. Moshe. See T-S Ar.38.131 + T-S Ar.42.212 (PGPID 8228).