State document: T-S Ar.40.3
State document T-S Ar.40.3What's in the PGP
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Petition (draft) from […] Mukhliṣ, in Minyat Ghamr, to an Ayyubid dignitary. In Arabic script. The petitioner complains about the young son of a neighbor who recently moved into the same hostel where the petitioner is living. The child in question has continually harassed the petitioner and his family, and injured his wife by biting her. Dating: ca. 12th-13th century. (Information from Khan and CUDL)
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Ar.40.3 1r
- المملوك [ ]
- [ ] المخلص من اهل منية غمر
- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
- وينهى الى مجلس المولا شمس الدين سيف المجاهدين
- عمدة الملوك والسلاطين ادام الله ايامه وخلد
- ملكه وملك سلطانه وارحم والديه واحمامه
- اننى رجل مقيم في فندق من عدة سنين لم يصل للمملوك
- من يوم سكنة والى الان مضرة ولما كان فى هذا الوقت
- سكن جوار المملوك رجل وله اولاد قد حل على قلب
- المملوك من ولده الصغير مضرة عضيمة وكل ما شكا
- المملوك قضيته لابيه فزانها في الظاهرة عن المملوك
- قدام الناس فاذا خلى بولده قد اخرجه
- يترجا على المملوك وقد الم على المملوك
Right margin
- بسفاهة والمملوك شاهد عدل بمنية غمر
- The slave
[ ] Mukhliṣ, inhabitant of Minyat Ghamr.
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.
(The slave) reports to the seat of the master Shams aI-Dīn, the sword of the warriors,
the support of kings and sultans, may God cause his days to endure and make eternal
his rule and the rule of his sultan and show mercy to his parents and his relatives,
(reports) that I am a man who has been dwelling in a hostel for a number of years. No harm has been done to the slave
from the day he began living there until the present. But now
a man has moved into the slave's neighborhood with his children. The slave has suffered
great harm from his young son. Every time the slave complains
about the affair to his father he adorns the appearance of the slave's story
before the people and his son is allowed to go out
and brazenly set upon the slave
Right margin
- with impudence. The slave is a certified witness in Minyat Ghamr.
T-S Ar.40.3 1v
- واجترا دق حرمة المملوك بين الناس باسنانه بغير سبب
- والمملوك من ذوى البيوتات ومن اهل القران والعلم
- وقد ترك المملوك جميع ما ملكه من ملك وغيره من
- المظالم الخبث وسكن بجنب حضرة المولا وعدله
- و[لل]مملوك يسل النظر في حاله في خروج الامر بكشف
- عن قضية المملوك وما يعتمد هذا الصبي في حق
- المملوك فاذا ا{ل}تضح له مضرة هذا الصبي وسفاهته
- على المملوك بغير حق يقابله المولا بما يستحقه عدل عليه
- فينعم المولا من المملوك ا<ل>دعا الصالح من المملوك فى
- عقبت كل صلاة وسلام
He has had the audacity to injure the slave's wife with his teeth in front of people without any cause.
The slave is a man of property and is a devout and learned man,
yet he (has be obliged to) leave all the property that he possesses and (has suffered) other
wrongs and mistreatment. He places his trust in the protection of the presence of the master and his justice.
The slave requests the examination of his case (and) the issuing of a command to investigate
the affair of the slave to establish how the youth is encroaching upon the rights
of the slave. When he has had proof of the harm and the impudence of the youth,
which he has unjustly inflicted on the slave, let the master requite him with the justice he deserves,
and the master will be graciously offered a pious personal prayer by the slave at
the end of each statutory prayer. Peace.