Letter: ENA 2808.48

Letter ENA 2808.48


Letter probably from one of the later Maimonidean Nagids (less likely Avraham Maimonides himself). In Judaeo-Arabic. There is an 'emet' motto at the top, with the tail cutting through the first lines of the text. The sender tells al-Shaykh al-Makīn to tell the congregation that he misses them and urges them to be diligent in the matter of the lavish siyyum(?) for the poor(?). He also reminds them to pay the sums pledged from specific collections (Purim and another day?). Probably the same hand as ENA NS 67.9 (PGPID 12227) and ENA 3603.2.

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Image Permissions Statement
  • ENA 2808.48: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain