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Petition, or maybe its draft, to the Fatimid Caliph al-ʾĀmir bi Aḥkām Allah. Verso is also some form of state document in a chancery hand, …
صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامي زكواته [وافضل تحياته على سيدنا ومولانا
[الامام] الامر باحكام الله امير المؤمنين وعل...
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة
Official correspondence. The beginnings of 9 lines are preserved. There are two fragments here which were glued together out of order. The top fragment mentions …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Verso (original use): Fragment from the upper left corner of a petition or official letter in Arabic script. ASE
1 نسخ
List or table listing a bunch of names on both sides. Needs examination.
Accounts or a receipt, Ottoman-era with the seals and signatures of four individuals. The heading mentions "[sic]مذكورين ظابطان". Needs examination.
Legal document or receipt, late, in Arabic script. Dated: Shaʿbān 14 __78 AH. The dating is likely 1178 (1765 CE) or 1278 (1862 CE). The …
Legal document. In Arabic script in a nice hand. Yehuda b. Ibrāhīm the Jew attests that he has received 15 rounds (aqrāṣ) of Levantine cheese …
Report or petition fragment, addressed to a higher state official regarding the matters in southern Upper Egypt, contains the taqbīl clause towards the end. The …
للحضور صحبة النايب مقتفي؟ الرجال…. ريب؟
وعبد الغني وان رفعت الرخصة لهم وكثر طمعهم وقل بذاك عدالتهم؟
والمملوك يشكر الانعام عليه بخروج ا...
Petition or report, probably. In Arabic script. The ends of 6 lines are preserved. Mentions: al-muslimīn... mutawallī al-balad... al-ghulām... ʿalā nafsihi l-ʿādila...lammā kānat hādha l-waqt... …
State document. Dated: Jumādā I 524. There are registration marks/notes at the top. Looks very interesting, possibly mentioning taxation, Ibrāhīm al-Armanī, "the sect of the …
Fiscal register, dated 3 Dhū l-Ḥijja of an unmentioned year, mentions several sums of money (Compare AIU IV.C.453, T-S NS 243.75a, T-S NS 198.61, ENA …
Fiscal document, few lines of text, something to do with the release of funds. Probably dating to the Ayyubid period. Reused for Hebrew script. Needs …
Account, fiscal record or tax receipt, Fatimid. Binding pinholes.
Fragment of an official document, probably. (Tax receipt?) Little is preserved beyond the date: 12 Ramaḍān 634 AH = 9 May 1237 CE.
Title verso and first page of an astronomical treatise entitled "Risāla kura dhāt l-kursī mukhtaṣara" in a beautiful book hand. Needs examination for identifying the …
Ayyubid state accounts related to military spending of two Syrian lords of the Ayyubid sultan al-Kāmil (d. 1238) or his successor, the sultan al-ʿĀdil Sayf …
Part of a preliminary draft of a chancery document addressed to a government official. ". . . bi-l-shadd minka fī istikhrāj al-māl ʿalā l-kamāl ʿalā …
المشارفات المشارفات ويقضيك
بالشد منك في استخراج المال على الكمال
على الكمال والتمام وقصر يد من يدوم الاحتما
عليك والمنع من احداث رس...
Taqbīl clause, presumably scribal practice for a private petition: المملوك يقبل الارض بين يدي المولى الاجل المتفضل. Headed by the glyph (in this case, an …
Astrological text in Arabic script, with interspersed words transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic (late hand) in the spaces between the lines. This demonstrates that even some Jews …
من يوم الاحد وان اردت الهياجان
ففي ساعة المريخ من يوم الجمعة وهي
سادس ساعة منه وان اردت
تحرق قلبه ففي ساعة الزهرة من
يوم الثلاثا وه...
On Sunday. If you intend to provoke/agitate (him/someone)
then in the hours of Mars on Friday which is
The sixth hour of the day and if...
Bottom right corner of a 14th C legal contract, probably a contract, dated 27th Muḥarram 723 AH.
Receipt (fiscal?) for Abū l-Mūnā b. Ibrāhīm al-Malījī (?) Bū l-Ḥusayn b. Sulaymān [tawliya al-shadd??]. Ends with ḥamdala and ṣalwala, with no registration requests or …
Quran fragment, in a beautiful and elegant Maghribī script with diacritical marks in red. The verses are from Sura al-Insān (76:7-14, 27-31).
Letter or official correspondence, probably Ikhshidid, in Arabic script. Mentions two officials, Abū l-Faḍāʾil and Abū Bakr ʿAlī b. Sulḥ, and other people. Also mentions …
Communal letter or epistle? Needs examination. Written on the back of an Ikhshīdid letter (or possibly two Ikhshīdid documents glued together), in a hand consistent …
Arabic poetry. Needs examination.
State document, likely a report, in Arabic script. Contains the taqbīl clause and the yunhī formula. The sender refers to his prior report (khidma) which …
]. دولة……..
المملوك يقبل الارض امام المجلس السامي اعز الله سلطانه وينهي انه
كان اصدر خدمته التي هي جواب الكتاب الكريم وكرار (؟) على….هذه الخد...
Literary text, poetry, in Arabic script. Mentions forbearance during harsh times and seekers of knowledge. Needs examination.
Fatimid document, probably fiscal, more than one hand, one large in shā allāh, and one registration mark: al-ḥamdū lil-lāh ʿalā niʿamih. Damaged and not easy …
Receipt, with a bunch of names of the contributors, dates, and days of the week on both sides. A few Hebrew characters also appear in …
Letter, in Arabic script. Starts with a basmala and contains the "inhāʾ" formula. Mentions difficulties; "ويشهد الله تعلى لقد صنعت علينا غاية الصعوبه والله تعالى …
Court record in the hand of Efrayim b. Shemarya. A litigant named Moshe has claimed that his loan of 50.5 dinars to Ṣadaqa was guaranteed …
2 نسخين 1 مناقشة
Draft of a deed of compensation in the hand of the court reporter Yefet b. David Shekhanya, around 1030. It was given to Efrayim b. …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Letter in Arabic script. May be addressed to a jurisconsult regarding a legal opinion, ending "wa-huwa wa-raʾyuhū abṣar." The sender and addressee are Jewish, based …
Letter fragment in Arabic script. Very deferential. Twice mentions "the late Mujāhid." It is cataloged in the Halper catalog as "part of a letter or …
Business accounts in Arabic script.
Talisman, in Arabic script. A suggestive reading for the centre bold text in red could be "al-haykal al-sākinīn".
Document in Arabic script, probably accounts. Dating: Probably late. Needs examination.
Legal document, late, in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Receipt dated 1247 AH (1831/32 CE). The document involves a ṣarrāf, Dāwūd Naʿīm, who was working for one of the state's dīwāns (likely related to …
Ottoman-era accounts.
State document in Arabic script. Approximately 12 lines are preserved. Has at least two taqbīl clauses, mentions a "khidma", and a revenue or tax "al-mustakhraj". …
State document, in Arabic script. The perfumers/druggists (ʿaṭṭārīn) petition the Ayyubid sultan al-Malik al-Ṣālīḥ (Najm al-Dīn Ayyūb) about the injustice of the notables (ʿurafa) who …
In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate.
The slaves kiss the ground in the lofty, lordly presence of al-Malik al-Ṣāliḥ, may ...
Part of an Arabic document. Likely a petition. Probably used at one point for a book binding. Portions of 5 lines are preserved. Mentions the …
Legal document: bill of sale for a slave. See also Perry's annotated edition of T-S18J1.17.
(Bottom) Charity letter from a woman, in Arabic script. addressed to a dignitary (al-rayyis al-jalīl). After a long, rhymed introduction, the sender complains of poverty …
ليس لمن قلت حيلته وعظمت فاقته وعميت بصيرته اطال الله بقا مولاي الريس الجليل وادام تاييده وعلوه وتمكينه
وكبت عدوه ملجا يلجا اليه ولا سندا ...
Letter addressed to Abū l-Riḍā b. Hilāl, the secretary (kātib) in "the compound of al-Ḥāfiẓ" (al-rabʿ al-Ḥāfiẓī al-saʿīd) at Bāb Zuwayla in New Cairo. The …
State document, in Arabic script. Mentions the collection and transfer of funds, probably tax-related. The document is written in a chancery hand and the official …
Fragment of a petition. Hard to piece together the story but contains various interesting references such as to the judges (al-quḍāt) and to عبد يشوع …
Letter in Arabic script, with a few words in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (upper left corner). The sender congratulates the addressee on the holidays, alludes to the …
Verso: Amorous poetry in Arabic script and accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning "white" and "red" commodities weighed in ounces, a kind of stone, mercury, and the …