ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S Misc.29.21
ثيقة شرعيّة T-S Misc.29.21What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Recto: Deed of sale for the purchase by Abū ʿAlī Ḥassān b. Ibrahim b. Azhar (the Jewish moneychanger) of two houses in Fusṭāṭ from Abū l-Munajjā Bahūr b. Shanute b. Baḥāsh (the Christian clerk). Witnessed by Yaḥyā b. al-[…], al-Ḥusaynī, and Ḥasan b. Aḥmad b. Muḥammad Abū ʿUbaydallāh. Verso: Document relating to the purchase on the recto, and dated 480 AH (= 1087 CE). In this supplementary document, Yūsuf Ibn al-Baraka ‘the Jew’ gifts something (possibly the houses on recto) to ʿIzza and ʿAzīza, the daughters of his nephew. Also mentions al-Thābit b. Ḥasan.
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Misc.29.21 1r

- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
- هذا ما اشتری حسان ويكنا ابا على بن [ابرهيم بن ازه]ر الاسرائيلي الصيرفي من الشيخ ابي المنجا بهور بن شنوته بن بحاش النصراني الكاتب اشترى منه صفقة واحدة [...]
- الدار التي بفسطاط مصر بتجيب في محرس بني سوم بحضرة الحارة المعروفة بمصاطب بني سوم ويحيط بها ويجمعها ويشتمل عليها حد[ود اربعة الحد الأول وهو القبلي ينتهي الى ا]حد حدود...[...]
- ابن سدس والى غير ذلك وفيه يشرع باب هذه الدار المحدودة في هذا الكتاب وهو الباب المعقود حنيه والحد الثاني وهو البحري ينتهي الى حد دار الم..[...]ين اللذين [...]
- وغير ذلك والحد الثالث وهو الشرقي ينتهي الى الساحة المشتركة المدخول منها الى هذه الدار المحدودة في هذا الكتاب والى الدور المعروفة...عا ...والى[...]
- من هذه الساحة المشتركة المذكورة في هذا الكتاب والحد الرابع وهو الغربي ينتهي الى دهليز الدار الكبيرة المعروفة بابن محاسن... [...]
- ومن ذلك الدار الثانية ايضا التي في الموضع المذكور بمصر في الزقاق الضيق الطويل وهي ذات الباب المربع والد[هليز...]
- الى كل مجلس من المجلسين والخزائن الدائرة بقاعتها التي لا ابواب عليها والمرحاض والمستمطرات والرواشن والدرابزين الدائر ذلك [وذوات] غيرها من الطبق القائمة على [...]
- الواعظ والى غيرها من الادر والحد الثاني وهو البحري ينتهي إلى دار الاجل الريس خليل الملك بن <ا>لشبخ والی غيرها والحد الثالث وهو الشرقي ينتهي [...]
- [...ح] قوقهما وحدودهما وسفلهما وعلوهما ودهاليزهما وابوابهما وقاعاتهما واخشابهما وابوابهما ورخام ما فيه رخام منهما ومجمده ومسلوعه و..[...]
- [...] اليهما من حقوقهما وجميع ما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب بأربعين دينارا مثاقيل ذهبا ع[ينا...]
- [...] في يده و[... تم]امه وكماله ووفائه وابراه منه ومن بعده وورثته ومن اليمين عليه او على شي منه ومن المحاكمة لأجله او لأجل شي منه براة صح[يحة...]
- [...ي]ده وقبضه كما يتسلم مثل ذلك بغیر شاغل ولا مانع ولا منازع بو[جه] ولا سبب وذلك بعد ان أقر [...]
- [...] ... .....عقدة(؟) عادلة لا وكس فيه ولا شطط ولا بخس ولا حذف ولا غلط بوجه ولا سبب فتبايع[ا على ذلك...]
- ما يجب عليه في ذلك ويلزمه من تسليم ورد ثمن وقيام بقيمة وبقليل وكثير في ماله وذمته وكل ما في تركته حتى يخلصه من [...]
- [...] . وقبل ذلك كله منه قبولا صحيحا بمخاطبة جرت بينهما على ذلك شهد على اقرار البائع والمشتري جميعا بجميع ما فيه... [...]
- [...] .. [...] على نصب ما ذكر فيه صح مصلح على حكم في موضع مالها بأربعين أربعون صح
Witness clauses
- شهد يحيى بن الح.[...]
- [شهد...] الحسيني
- [على إقرار المتبايعين] بما في تاريخه صح
- شهد حسن بن احمد بن محمد ابي عبيد الله على إقرار
- المتبايعين بما فيه في تاريخه وعلى قبض البائع
- الثمن المذكور فيه وهو أربعين(؟) صح
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.
This is what Ḥassān, bearing the patronymic Abū ʿAlī, ibn [Ibrāhīm ibn Azhar], the Jewish money-changer, bought from the elder Abū al-Munajjā Bahūr ibn Shanute ibn Baḥāsh, the Christian clerk. He bought from him, with one clapping of the hands, [ … ]
the house that is in Fusṭāṭ - Miṣr in Tujīb, in the guardhouse of Banī Sūm, in the vicinity of the district known as the 'benches of the Banī Sūm'. It is surrounded, contained and enclosed by [four boundaries. The first boundary, which is the southern, extends to … ] one of the boundaries ... [ … ]
Ibn Suds and to others. With this communicates the door of this house, which is defined in this document. This is a door with a vaulted arch. The second boundary, which is the northern, extends to the boundary of the house of .. [ … ] which [ … ]
and others. The third boundary, which is the eastern, extends to the communal courtyard by which one enters this house, defined in this document, and the houses known by (the names of) ..... [ … ]
from this communal courtyard, mentioned in this document. The fourth boundary, which is the western, extends to the entrance passage of the large house known by (the name of) Ibn Maḥāsin ... [ … ]
Included in this (contract) is also a second house, which is situated in the aforementioned place in Fustat in a long narrow lane. It has a square door, a corridor [ … ]
to each of the two living-rooms and the storerooms surrounding its courtyard, which have no doors, a washroom, porches (?), bay-windows and a surrounding rail. It also has other floors standing over [ … ]
the preacher and to other houses. The second boundary, which is the southern, extends to the house of the eminent leader Khalīl al-Mulk ibn al-Shaykh and to others. The third boundary, which is the eastern, extends [ … ]
[ … ] their rights, boundaries, lower and upper floors, corridors, doors, courtyards, timber, doors, the marble of whatever in them contains marble, both what is solid and what is fissured, ... [ … ]
... of their rights. Everything that was entailed by this sale, mentioned in this document, was (sold) for forty dinars, standard weight, gold, in minted coin [ … ]
[ … ] into his possession [ … ] its entirety, completeness and fulness. He released him, and also his descendants and heirs, from it, from the oath upon it or upon any part of it and from litigation relating to it or to any part of it, with a valid quittance [ … ]
[ … ] his possession and he received it as such things customarily are received, without anyone hindering, preventing or disputing for any reason whatsoever. This was after [ … ] had acknowledged [ … ]
[ … ] ..... a just contract, without loss, excess, injustice, omission or error, for any reason whatsoever, and they undertook the transaction [on these terms … ]
[ … ] what is incumbent on him and obligatory for him in the way of handing over, return of a price, vouching for a value, of whatever quantity, from his own means, as his liability, and (from) all that is contained in his legacy (if he is dead). (He is responsible) until he clears him (the buyer) from [ … ]
[ … ] and accepted this from him with a valid and decisive acceptance, in negotiations that took place between them concerning that. The acknowledgement by both the seller and the buyer of all that is contained herein was witnessed .. [ … ]
[ … ] ., the accusative of what is mentioned in it, it is correct and has been corrected. Accordingly, where its price is given as 'for forty (oblique case)', 'forty (nominative case)' is correct.
Witness Clauses
Yaḥya ibn al-.... testified [ … ]
[ … ] al-Ḥusaynī testified
[to the acknowledgement by the transactors] of what is in it on its date. Valid.
Ḥasan ibn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Abū ʿUbaydallāh testified to the acknowledgement
by the transactors of what is in it on its date and to the receipt by the seller
of the price mentioned in it, this being forty. Valid.
T-S Misc.29.21 1v

Top left hand corner
- الثابت بن ح.[...]
- وكتب بتاريخ الخامس وعشرين من شوال سنة(؟)
- ثمنين واربع مائة .......
- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وصلواته على سيدنا محمد نبيه وسلامه
- أقر يوسف بن البركة (؟) الاسرائيلي وهو المقر له المسمى في هذا الفصل المعاون (؟) [...]
- عند شهود هذا الظهر واشهدهم على نفسه طائعا في صحة عقله وبد[ن]ه وجواز امره ان [قد خرج عن يده وانتقل]
- من ملکه الى ملك ابنتي ابن اخيه عزة وعزيزة الصبيتين ال[...] .[...]
- الثابت بن حسن المذكورتين المحدودتين الموصوفتين بباطنه ويستغ[ني تحديدهها بباطنه عن كل ذلك في هذا الفصل...]
- ......... صدقة مملوكة .......... بقية وبعد المساواة ........ [...]
- وقبضهن لهذه الصدقة ..... تاريخ هذا الاقرار وشهوده بشهوده ولم يبق له في ذلك [...]
- ................... البائع ... [...]
Verso- Top left hand corner
al-Thabit ibn .. [ … ]
It was written on the twenty-fifth of ShawwāI, in the year
four-hundred and eighty.
Verso- Middle
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. Praise be to God and his blessings be upon our lord Muḥammad his prophet and peace.
Yūsuf ibn al-Baraka the Jew, he being the person to whom acknowledgement was made, named in this supplementary document, the assistant (?) [ … ]
in the presence of witnesses of this verso and he called them to bear witness, while he was acting willingly, in sound mind and body and legally capable of conducting his affairs, (he acknowledged) that [ … has left his possession and been transferred]
from his ownership to the ownership of the two daughters of his nephew, ʿIzza and ʿ Azīza, the two girls .. [ … ]
al-Thābit ibn Ḥasan, which have been mentioned, defined and described on the recto, [their definition on the recto rendering all that unnecessary in this supplementary document … ]
....... a charitable gift ............. remainder, after equalizing ....... [ … ]
and their receiving this charitable gift … the date of this acknowledgement and its being witnessed by its witnesses and there did not remain for him of that [ … ]
.................. the seller .... [ …. ]