ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S Ar.53.70
ثيقة شرعيّة T-S Ar.53.70What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Deed of sale. Dated: Last decade of Rabīʿ I 512 AH, which is June 1118 CE. Sale of a one-fourth of a new portion of a small house (duwayra) in Fustat by Ḥassan b. Shabbat the Jew to ʿAlī b. […]. Verso: Legal document concerning the same individual. Khan reads the seller's name as Ḥusayn ibn Shabāb. (Information from Goitein’s index card and Khan.)
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Ar.53.70 1r
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
هذا ما اشترى على بن [محمد بن احمد المعروف بابن الصيني المتصرف بباب] الجفار بمصر من حسين بن شباب الاسرائيلي اشترى منه صفقة واحدة وعقدا واحدا
جميع الربع ستة اسهم من اربعة و[عشرين سهما ].. من جميع الدويرة المستجدة التي ذكر هذا البائع ان هذه الحصة منها له في ملكه
ملكا صحيحا وحقا واجبا في يده وهي جميع حلقه وحصته منها والنصف اثنا عشر سهما اربعة وعشرين سهما في ملك هذا المشترى متقدما فقد كمل
له بمتقدم ملکه وبحق هذا الشرى النصف والربع ثمانية عشر سهما من اربعة وعشرين سهما وهي الدويرة المستجدة ذات الباب المربع والدهليز
والباب الثاني والقاعة اللطيفة المسقفة ذات المجلس والعمودين في العلو الدرابزين والسلم والمفرش المطل على بابها والقناة الخاصة لها
[ ] ... وهي بفسطاط مصـ[ـر] وشارعة على الطريق المسلوك منه الى سويقة الموفق [ ]
والقلوص والشونة والسوق الكبير وغير[ها مـ]ـن الطرق والأماكن المتصل بعضها ببعض ويحـ[ـيط بهذه الدويرة ويجمعها ويشتمل عليها حدود]
و اربعة الحد القبلى ينتهي إلى الخرائب التي في ملك عبيد بن وهيب البنا والحد البحري ينتهي الى [ ]
مستجدة خاصة لها والحد الشرقي ينتهي إلى الطريق الفاصل ما بينها وبين الخراب المستجدة يومئذ المعروفة بالاواسي ال... [ ]
وفيه يشرع بابها والحد الغربي ينتهي إلى الدار المعروفة بالزارعين بحدود جميع ما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور في
هذا الكتاب وحقوقه وارضه وبنائه واخشابه وما بحده من قليل وكثير وما هو معروف به ومنسوب اليه من حقوق كل حق هو له
داخل فيه وخارج منه هو في حقوقه وجميع ما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب باثنا عشر دينارا مثاقيل
ذهبا عينا وازنة جيادا شرا صحيحا جائزا نافذا ماضيا لا شرط فيه يفسده ولا عدة عليه تبطله ودفع
هذا المشترى من خالص ماله الى هذا البائع جميع الثمن المذكور فيه وقبض ذلك منه وابراه ومن بعده وورثته ومن اليمين عليه او على شي منه
براة صحيحة براة قبض واستيفا وهو من العيين | الوازنة اثنا عشر دينارا وسلم هذا و البائع
هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب ] وتسلم ذلك منه وصار في يده [ ]
يتصرف في ذلك تصرف الملاك في املا [کهـ]ـم بغير حائل ولا مانع بسبب من ذلك وذلك بعد اقرار منهما بمعاينتـ[ـهما جميع]
هذه الدويرة ووقوفهما عليها وقوفا صحيحا وتبايعا على ذلك كذلك بينهما ثم تفرقا بابدانهما بعد تمام هذا البيع
ووجوبه عن تراض به وانفاذ منهما له فما ادرك هذا المشترى فيما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب
وفي شي منه ومن حقوقه من درك من احد من سائر الناس كلهم كافة فعلى هذا البائع تسليم جميع ما يجب عليه في ذلك من حق ويلزمه
من رد ثمن وقيام بقيمة وتسليم من قليل وكثير حتى يسلم ذلك الى هذا المشتري جميعه ضمانا صحيحا في محياه ومماته في ذمته وخالص ماله وهو
حق له ولزمهما جميع ذلك وقبل هذا المشترى من هذا البائع جميع ذلك كله قبولا صحيحا شهد على اقرار البائع والمشتري بجميعها
بعد قراته عليهما في العشر الأخير من ربيع الاول سنة اثنتي عشر وخمسمائة
Witnesses' signatures
شهد عبد السلم بن عل ]حه على
اقرار البائع والمشترى بما فيه في
شهد اسمعيل بن عبد السلم بن المسبح
على اقرار البائع والمشترى بما فيه في شهر تاریخه
شهد مرشد بن يحيى بن السهم على اقرار
البائع والمشترى بما فيه في تاريخه
شهد هبة الله بن مسلم بن الحسن بن مسلم
على اقرار البائع والمشترى بما فيه في شهر تاريخه
وشهد عليهما في صحة منهما وجواز امر وهو بهما عارف
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.
This is what ʿ Alī ibn [Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, known as ibn al-Ṣīnī, the money-changer at the door of] al-Jifār in Fusṭāṭ, bought from Ḥusayn ibn Shabāb the Jew. He bought from him, with one striking of hands and one contract,
the whole of the quarter, six shares from twenty-four [shares ] from all of the renovated small house, concerning which this seller declared that this portion of it belonged to him, was in his ownership,
as a valid asset and a right with legal force in his possession. They (i.e. the six shares) constitute all his right and portion of it. Half, twelve shares from twenty-four shares, was previously in the ownership of this buyer.
Overall, through his prior ownership and by right of this sale, he has acquired half and a quarter, eighteen shares from twenty-four shares. It is the small house with a square door, a corridor,
a second door, a narrow ground floor with an (ornamental) ceiling, a living room and two columns. On the upper floor there is a rail, a staircase and a 'spreading area' overlooking its door, and also its own water conduit
[ … ] It is situated in Fusṭāṭ - Miṣr [ … ] communicating with the street leading from it to Suwayqat al-Muwaffaq [ … ]
and al-Qalūṣ, the warehouse, the great market and other streets and localities adjoining one another. Four boundaries surround [enclose and contain this small house.]
The southern boundary extends to the ruins that are in the possession of ʿUbayd ibn Wuhayb the builder. The northern boundary extends to [ … ]
renovated [ … ] belonging to it. The eastern boundary extends to the street separating it from the renovated ruins known nowadays as al-Awāsī .....
with which its door communicates. The western boundary extends to the house known as (the house of) the cultivators. (He purchased it) with the boundaries of everything that was entailed by this sale mentioned in this document,
its rights, its land, its building, its timbers, whatever is within its boundaries of whatever quantity, all rights that are known to belong to it and are attributed to it, every right belonging to it .
within or without is among its rights. Everything that was entailed by this sale mentioned in this document was (purchased) for twelve dīnārs, of standard weight,
gold, minted coin of full weight and good alloy, in a valid purchase, legal, operative, effective, without any condition that would invalidate it or a promise that would make it void.
This buyer paid from his clear money to this buyer all the aforementioned price and he received that from him and released him, his descendants and his heirs (from it) and from an oath upon it or upon any part of it,
with a valid quittance, a quittance of receipt in full, it (i.e. the sum) being in minted coin of full weight, twelve dīnars. This buyer handed over [ ... ]
this sale mentioned in this document and he received it from him and it came into his possession [ …]
he is free to dispose of it as owners dispose of their property, without anyone obstructing or preventing that for any reason. This took place after they both had acknowledged that they had inspected [all]
this small house and had become properly acquainted with it. They undertook the transaction between them on this basis as stated. Then they separated physically, after the completion of this sale
and its becoming binding, with mutual satisfaction and the intention to carry it out on the part of both of them. Should any claim be made against this buyer with respect to anything that was entailed by this sale, mentioned in this document,
or any part of it, or of its rights, proceeding from any other person, this seller must hand over all that is incumbent upon him and is obligatory for him
by way of returning a price, vouching for a value or the handing over of anything whatsoever. (He is responsible) until he delivers all that to this buyer, with a valid warranty, be he alive or dead, as his liability from his clear means, this being
a right for him (the buyer). They were both bound by all of this. This buyer accepted from this seller all of that, with a valid acceptance. The acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer of all of it was witnessed
after it was read to them in the last ten days of Rabīʿ I, in the year five-hundred and twelve.
Witness Clauses
- ʿAbd al-Salām ibn ... [ … ] .. testified to
the acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer of what is in it on
its date.
Ismaʿīl ibn ʿAbd al-Salām ibn al-Musabbiḥ; testified
to the acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer of what is in it on its date.
Murshid ibn Yaḥyā ibn al-Sahm testified to the acknowledgement
by the seller and the buyer of what is in it in the month of its date.
Hibatallāh ibn Muslim ibn al-Ḥasan ibn Muslim testified
to the acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer of what is in it in the month of its date
and testified to their being in sound health and legally capable of conducting their affairs, he being acquainted with them.
T-S Ar.53.70 1v
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وحده وصلواته على سيدنا محمد واله وسلامه
اقر ابو الحسن علي بن محمد بن احمد المعروف بابن الصيني المتصرف بالجـ[ـفار]
بمصر وهو المشتري المسمى بباطنه عند شهود هذا الفـ[ـصل]
الظهر واشهدهم على نفسه في صحة عقله وبدنه وجواز امره وهو طائع غير مكره
ولا مجبر ولا مضطهد ولا جاهل بما اقر به فيه انه قد خرج عن يده وانتقل
[من ملكه الى مـ]ـلك بو علي بن فرح الاسرائيلي الحامي جميع الربع ستة اسهم من اربعة
وعشرين سهما شائعة غير مقسومة من جميع الدويرة المحدودة الموصوفة بباطنه [ ويستـ]ـغنى بتحديدها بطنا
[عن ذكر ذلك في هذا الفصل ]..... جميع النصف اثنا عشر [سهما من اربعة ]
وعشرين سهما .و [ ] .............. اقتسماه بينهما نصلفين بالسوية على ما
شهد في كتاب الابتياع الموافق تاريخه تاريخ هذا الفصل وشهوده شهوده المضمن
مبلغ الثمن عن ذلك وهو سبعة وعشرون دينارا ونصف دينار وقبضهما لذلك والتسليم
والرضى والافتراق وضمان الدرك ولم يبق لهما فيما باعاه حق ولا طلب بسبب ملك ولا
ابتياع ولا بد ولا انتقال ولا ارث ولا مورث ولا مساهمة ولا مقاسمة ولا تاول ولا
تحويل ولا توليج ولا سكنا ولا عمرا ولا رقبا ولا اجرة ولا اجارة ولا عهدة ولا مرتبك ولا
صدقة مملوكة ولا تحبيس ولا شفعة ولا استحقاق منفعة وبذلك اشهدا على نفسيهما
طائعا بعد قراته عليهما في العشر الأول من شعبان سنة اثنتي عشر وخمسمائة
Witnesses' signatures
شهد اسمعيل بن عبد السلم ابن ] المسبح .....
على اقرار المقار والمقر له بما فيه [ ]
شهدا المقر [والمقر ] له بما فيه
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. Praise be to God alone and his blessing and peace be upon our lord Muḥammad and his family.
Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, known as ibn al-Ṣīnī, the money-changer at al-Jifār
in Fusṭāṭ, he being the buyer named on the recto, acknowledged in the presence of the witnesses of this supplementary document [ … ] .
verso, and called them to testify, he being in sound mind and body and legally capable of conducting his affairs, [acting willing, not forced,]
nor coerced, nor constrained, nor being ignorant of what he acknowledged in it, that
the whole of the quarter, six shares out of
[twenty-four shares, held in common not separated, of all] the small house that is defined and described on the verso, whose definition on the recto renders it unnecessary [to indicate the same in this supplementary document], has passed from his possession and moved from his ownership to the ownership of Bū ʿAlī ibn Faraḥ, the Jewish watchman.
[ … ] ….. the whole of the half, twelve [shares from] twenty-four shares,
[ … ] ....... they divided it between them in two halves equally, according to what
was testified to in a document of purchase, the date of which corresponds to the date of this supplementary document, and the witnesses of which were the same, recording
the amount of the price for that, this being twenty-seven dīnārs and a half dīnār, their receiving this, the delivery,
satisfaction, separation and warranty against fault in title. In what they sold they no longer had any right, nor any demand on account of ownership,
purchase, removal, transfer, inheritance, sharing, apportioning, interpretation,
conveyance, disposition, dwelling, gift or donation for life, rent, lease, obligation, complication,
charitable gift, endowment, pre-emption or usufruct. They called witnesses to testify to their (undertaking) of this,
willingly, after it had been read to them, in the first ten days of Shaʿbān, in the year five-hundred and twelve.
Witness Clauses
Ismaʿīl ibn ʿAbd al-Salām [ibn] al-Musabbiḥ [ … ] testified
to the acknowledgement by the acknowledger and the man for whom the acknowledgement was made of what is in it. .
The acknowledger and the man for whom the acknowledgement was made testified to what was in it.