ثيقة شرعيّة: Moss. V,374
ثيقة شرعيّة Moss. V,374الوصف
Court notebook. Recto, left side: Court record. Dated: Thursday, 8 Iyyar [probably 1411] Seleucid = 19 April 1100 CE. The year is not named, but the document on verso is dated 1410 Sel., and 1411 is the closest year when 8 Iyyar fell on a Thursday. In which Abū ʿAlī Yefet b. Avraham and Yehuda b. Ḥayyim dispute debts owed to each other. It is not entirely clear who sues whom for what, but it seems that Yefet sues Yehuda for the remaining 30 dinars and 1 qirat owed to him from the balance of the accounts relating to the mint (Dār al-Ḍarb), and in the same court session Yehuda sues Yefet for an old debt of 121 remaining dinars out of an original debt of 145 dinars "from the days of the late judge (shofeṭ)." Yefet also sues Abū l-Faraj (evidently identical with Yehuda b. Ḥayyim) for an old debt from when "he used to deceive me regarding the customs (mukūs) when I was in the mint"). There is an additional statement made by Yehuda in the right margin involving 24 dinars and Abū l-Ḥusayn al-Urjuwānī. The document is signed by Yiṣḥaq b. Shemu'el, Shelomo b. Mevorakh he-Ḥaver and Mevorakh b. Avraham.