قائمة/جدول: T-S AS 209.106
قائمة/جدول T-S AS 209.106الوصف
List of names and numerical values, perhaps contributions to a communal fund. Dating: 18th-19th centuries based on the paleography, names, and layout. The names mentioned include: Yisraʾel Kohen, Yosef Arzitliyan[?] (ארזיתלייאן), David Sulṭān, Nissim Mosseri, Nissim Sosino, Mordūkh Dāsā, Yosef Kohen, Salmūn Naʿamīas. The entry for Nissim Mosseri also mentions "pomegranates" in Hebrew perhaps a reference to fruit or Torah rimonim. MCD.