وثيقة رسميّة: ENA 3079.6
وثيقة رسميّة ENA 3079.6What's in the PGP
- صورة
Petition addressed to Saladin (al-Malik al-Nāṣir). From Maḥmūd b. Mamdūd who describes himself as a warrior in the path of God (al-mujāhid fī sabīl Allāh). By some accounts the original name of Sayf al-Dīn Quṭuz (the third Mamluk sultan, r. 1259–60) was Maḥmūd b. Mamdūd, but this document is too early for him to be the sender. After the basmala, the first line of the addressee's titulature is preserved: . . . المجلس العالي السيد الاجل الملك الناصر جامع كلـ[ـمة الايمان] . . . At upper right there is the phrase "may God the exalted have mercy on him" (يرحمه الله تعالى). It is unclear how this is related; maybe it was preceded by another petitioner's name. None of the content of the petition is preserved. Reused on verso for Hebrew piyyuṭ (refrain קול תחנוני). MCD/ASE
ENA 3079.6 recto
![recto recto](https://iiif-cloud.princeton.edu/iiif/2/2b%2F59%2Ff4%2F2b59f44736db4738bd62d2cfc2ccc7e9%2Fintermediate_file/full/500,/180/default.jpg)
ENA 3079.6 verso
![verso verso](https://iiif-cloud.princeton.edu/iiif/2/76%2F69%2Ffd%2F7669fd85a85340b79858949b8b175cb1%2Fintermediate_file/full/500,/0/default.jpg)