ثيقة شرعيّة: Bodl. MS heb. a 3/16
ثيقة شرعيّة Bodl. MS heb. a 3/16What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Legal query in Arabic script. The case is that of two brothers who inherit 3.5 shares in a property from their third brother, but upon selling their shares, they learn that the deceased brother had already sold 1 share in the property, so that each brother owned 0.5 less share than he thought he did. The case is potentially connected to the document on the recto (PGPID 5335), a partnership agreement between two brothers, Abū al-Faḍl and Abū al-Riḍā Yosef b. Berakhot, who have inherited a sugar factory from their father and purchased the remainder from their brothers. The partnership agreement also references "Arabic documents" that allegedly detail the nature of the inheritance/purchase, as well as the dimensions of the property.
النصوص المفرّغة
Editor: Elbaum, Alan
Translator: Elbaum, Alan (in English)
Bodl. MS heb. a 3/16 16 verso
Alan Elbaum, [طبعة وثيقة جينيزا رقمية] (n.p., 2024).
- ما يقول السادة الفقها وفقهم الله تعالى لما يرضيه
- في شخص مات وخلف حصة مبلغها ثلثة اسهام ونصف سهم وكان له من الورثة اخين
- اقتسم كل منهم سهم //واحد// ونصف وربع سهم واباع كل منهم قسمته المذكورة وما اخدهم(؟)
- وبعد ذلك بمدة ظهر على الاخ الاصلي انه كان اباع من حصته الذي //كانت له// [[خلفها]] اعني
- الثلثة اسهام ونصف سهم واحد وصا لكل واحد قيراط وربع واباع اكثر ما بحصتـ[ـه
- نصف قيراط هل البيع صحيح ويلزمهم تخريج(؟) كل منهم للمشتري نصف قيرط [او فسخ
- البيع من الاصل وان كان مفسوخ هل يلزم المشتري يرد للبائع [اجرة؟]
- السنين الذي اقام في ملكه ام لا اقتونا يرحكمكم(!) الله
Alan Elbaum, [طبعة وثيقة جينيزا رقمية] (n.p., 2024).
- What do the master jurisprudents say, may God grant them success in what will please Him,
- regarding a man who died and left a property amounting to 3.5 shares. His heirs were his two brothers,
- who each received 1.75 shares and who each sold his respective share rather than take possession of them(?).
- Some time after this, it came out that the original [deceased] brother had [already] sold one share out of the property that he [[left]] had, i.e.,
- the 3.5 shares, and [in fact] he willed to each one [of the brothers] 1.25 qirats (= shares). Thus [each of the brothers] sold a half qirat more than he actually possessed.
- Is the sale valid, and are they each obligated to [recover?] the half qirat from the buyer? [Or was] the sale [invalid]
- from the beginning? If it was invalid, must the buyer pay the seller the [rent for the?]
- years during which he lived in his possession, or not? Grant us a ruling, may God have mercy upon you.