وثيقة رسميّة: St. Catherine, Atiya no. 962
وثيقة رسميّة St. Catherine, Atiya no. 962What's in the PGP
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
The decree of ʿAbd al-Majīd (al-Ḥāfiẓ) and his wazīr al-Afḍal Kutayfāt to the monks of Mt. Sinai.
Editor: Stern, S. M.
Translator: Stern, S. M. (in English)
St. Catherine, Atiya no. 962 recto
![recto recto](/static/img/ui/all/all/image-unavailable.png)
كافل قضاة المسلمين وهادى دعاة المؤمنين ابو علي احمد بن السيّد
الأجلّ الأفضل امير الجيوش عضد الله به الدين وامتع بطول بقائه ولي
عهد المسلمين وادام قدرته وأعلى كلمته وهو الذي البس الدنيا بحسن نظره
رونقًا وجمالا وافاض على الكافة من احسانه سحابًا هطالا واجرى
الامور على أحسن نظامها وجدد رسوم المصالح وأحسن
اتّساقها والتئامها أنهى انه رفع اليه رقعة مترجمة بعبد المسيح
وكيل الربع المحبّس على طور سينا مضمّنة ما اعتمده قوم من خونه
المتصرّفين من وضع أيديهم على الربع المذكور واستلائهم على ما كان
يستأديه من أجرته المصروفة في مادّة من هو مقيم به من الرهبان
ومن يأوى اليهم من المسارفين ويغشاهم من اهل ملّتهم وغيرهم من المجتازين
وما بيده من السجلّات المتقدّمة والوصايا المحكمة المبرمة الشاهدة
برعاية هذا الحبس وإجراء الأمر فيه على مستقرّ عادته ورسمه
وان ذلك قد اضر بهم غاية الإضرار وقطع عنهم المادّة التي
كانت مستمرّة عليهم أحسن استمرار وأحضر السجلّات
الشاهدة لهم بهذا الحال الناطقة باستمرار هذا الحبس
عليهم على ممرّ الأيّام والليال اقتضى ذلك ما خرج به
أمر ولىّ عهد المسلمين وامر فتاة وخليله السيّد الاجل الافضل
امير الجيوش الى ديوان الانشاء المعمور بكتب هذا السجل المنشور
بالافراج عن هذا الحبس بجميع أعمال المملكة لاستقبال ذي القعدة
سنة اربع وعشرين وخمس مائة وإجراء الامر فيه على
الرسم المعهود قديما والنظام الذي لهم يزل مستمرّا مستقيما
وكفّ أسباب المضارّ عنهم وقصر أيدى الحاضرة والبادية عن
اذيّتهم وإعفائهم من كلما يكرهون عليه ويطالبون به من المغارم
وسائر الكلف الماخوذة منهم فيما سلف إحسانا من
ولىّ عهد المسلمين ومن فتاة وخليله السيّد الاجل الافضل
امير الجيوش وإجراء الأمور على قانون العدل
المشهور المعروف
وليعلم هذا من الأمر وليعمل به
وليقرّ بأيديهم بعد ثبوته في ديوانى المجلس
والخاص بحيث يثبت مثله ان شاء الله تعالى
وكتب فى ذى القعدة المقدّم ذكره
الحمد لله وحده وصلّى الله على سيدنا محمد نبيه وآله الأئمّة الطاهرين وسلّم تسليما
- حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
Registration marks (above line 29)
يثبت في ديوانى المجلس والخاصّ السعيدين ان شاء الله
ليثبت في مجلس تنّيس ودمياط والحمد لله حمد الشاكرين أثبت الحمد لله رب العالمين
ليثبت في مجلس الاستيفاء على تنّيس ودمياط والحمد لله مستحق الحمد أثبت الحمد لله على نعمه
يثبت في مجلس الاستيفاء على الصعيدين الأعلى والأدنى وما جمع اليه ان شاء الله أثبت الحمد لله على نعمه
نزل في معاملة (؟) ………..(؟)
نزل في مجلس الاستيفاء على الشرقيّة والطور وما جمع اليه
يثبت في مجلس الاستيفاء على الإقطاعات المرتجمة والرباع والاجنة السلطانيّة وما جمع اليه ان شاء الله أثبت الشكر لله ربّ العالمين
- أثبت الحمد لله وحده
[The order to issue the present decree was given by Abū l-Maymūn ʿAbd al-Majīd, son of the amir Abū l-Qāsim, Owner of the Homage of the Muslims (walī ʿahd al-Muslimīn), because his vizier,]
Protector of the Qāḍīs of the Muslims, Guide of the Dāʿīs of the Believers, Abū ʿAli Aḥmad, son of the Most Honoured
and Most Excellent Lord, Commander of the Armies, may God support religion through him and gladden by his long life the Owner of
the Homage of the Muslims, may He make his power last and enhance his prestige—he who covered the world by his careful administration
with splendour and beauty, and poured out over all and sundry the heavy clouds of his bounty, and put
affairs into the best order, and restored the traces of welfare and set them
aright and regulated them—** had reported that a petition had been submitted to him, signed by ʿAbd al-Masīḥ,
agent of the property endowed upon Mount Sinai, and containing the following: ***Some treacherous
administrators have laid hands upon the aforementioned property and grasped the rents which
he used to collect and spend on the support of the monks who stay there,
the travellers who take refuge there, and passers-by, whether members of their religion or not, who frequent them;
he also has in his hands earlier decrees and definitive admonishments which attest
to the protection given to this endowment, and ordered that the established customs and habits should be followed concerning it;
that this caused them heavy damage and deprived them of the support which
had been continuing in a regular fashion. ****He also presented the decrees
that bore witness to the truth of their statement and said that this endowment had been theirs continuously
for many a day and night. ****This made it necessary that an order should be issued concerning it
by the Owner of the Homage of the Muslims and by his servant and friend, the Most Honoured and Most Excellent Lord,
Commander of the Armies, to the Chancery, may it flourish, to write this open decree
about the release of this endowment in all financial departments of the kingdom from the beginning of Dhū 1-Qaʿda
of the year 524 [Stern has 525, a typographical error], and about it being treated in accordance with
the established custom and the system that had been continuously observed,
and about keeping harm away from them and restraining the hands of city-dwellers and Bedouins from
damaging them, and about freeing them of all imposts and other dues that they are constrained to pay and that are imposed upon them
and that used to be taken from them in the past, this being an act of favour on the part of
the Owner of the Homage of the Muslims and his servant and friend, the Most Honoured and Most Excellent Lord,
Commander of the Armies, and one that has as its aim the execution of the norms of
publicly known justice.
***** Let cognizance be taken of this order and let it be acted upon,
and let it be kept by them after registration in the Offices of the Chamber
and the Private Purse, and where such things are registered, if God, may he be exalted, wills.
Written in Dhū l-Qaʿda of the aforementioned year.
Praise be to God alone and may God bless our lord Muḥammad and his family the pure Imams. and may He give them peace.
God is sufficient for us and He is a good guardian.
Registration marks (between line 29)
Let it be registered in the two blessed Offices, that ofthe Chamber and that of the Private Purse, if God wills.
Let it be registered in the Chamber of Tinnīs and Damietta. It has been registered, praise be to God, Master of the universe.
Let it be registered in the Chamber of the Inspection of Tinnīs and Damietta, praise be to God, who deserves praise. It has been registered, praise be to God for His bounties.
Let it be registered in the Office of the Inspection of the two Ṣaʿīds, the Upper and the Lower, and what appertains to it, if God wills. It has been registered, praise be to God for His bounties.
It has been registered at the ... (?)
It has been registered at the Office of Inspection of the Eastern Province and al-Ṭūr and what appertains to it.
Let it be registered in the Office of the Inspection of the Reclaimed Fiefs and Government Estates and Gardens and what appertains to it, if God wills. It has been registered, thanks be to God, the master of the universe.
It has been registered, praise be to God alone