نصّ غير أدبيّ: ENA 2229.5

نصّ غير أدبيّ ENA 2229.5

What's in the PGP

  • صورة
  • 1 Transcription


ENA 2229.1-6 are several pages from a booklet with stanzas from Hebrew poems, inclding by Rabbi Yehudah Halevi, in a very crude script. On ENA 2229.5 is the colophon of the copyist - on recto "Avraham the little proselyte" (אברהם הגר הקטון) and on verso "Avraham, the little proselyte, wrote in his own hand, in the year one thousand four hundred a--".

النصوص المفرّغة

ENA 2229.5 recto

Moshe Yagur, Unpublished transcription (n.p., 2023).

ENA 2229.5 verso


ENA 2229.5 verso

  1. אברהם הגר
  2.  הקטון
  3. כתב
  4. בידו שנת אלפה
  5. וארבע מאה א
بيان أذونات الصورة
  • ENA 2229.5: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain