وثيقة رسميّة: Moss. IXa,2.57
وثيقة رسميّة Moss. IXa,2.57What's in the PGP
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Tax receipt for the capitation of Riḍā b. Maḥasin the Jew in Fustat. Trigger: addā. Amount: one dīnār exactly (sawā). Three sets of registration marks, one each for the nāẓir, the mushārif and the mutawallī. ʿAlāʾim: al-ḥamdu li-l-lāh al-khafī luṭfuhu, al-ḥamdu li-l-lāh ʿalā niʿamihi, and al-ḥamdu li-l-lāh wa-bihi astaʿīn. Dated (l. 7) 8 Dhū l-Ḥijja "of the same year" for which he paid the tax, which appears in l. 4 but is difficult to read due to a fold and a stain; possibly 623 AH. Unusually, this receipt lacks a basmala. Part of the mablagh formula and another ʿalāma also appear on verso.
النصوص المفرّغة
Editors: Elbaum, Alan; Rustow, Marina
Translator: Rustow, Marina (in English)
Moss. IXa,2.57 recto
Alan Elbaum and Marina Rustow, unpublished editions.
Recto, top right
- يثبت
- والمبلغ دينار واحد
- سوا
Recto, top middle
- يثبت
- والمبلغ دينار واحد
Recto, top left
- يثبت
- والمبلغ دينار واحد
- سوا
Recto, right ʿalāma
- الحمد لله الخفي لطفه
Recto, middle ʿalāma
- والحمد لله على نعمه
Recto, left ʿalāma
- الحمد لله وبه استعين
Recto, main text
- ادى رضا بن محاسن اليهودي عن جزيته بمصر لسنة ثلث وعشرين و[ست] ماىة
- بنظر ومشارفة وتولي من ثبت خطه عليه بالصحة
- النصف من ذلك
- نصف دينار
- من العين
- دينار واحد
- سوا
- بتاريخ الثامن ذي الحجة منها
Marina Rustow, [طبعة وثيقة جينيزا رقمية].
- Let it be registered.
- The amount is one dīnār
- Exactly.
- Let it be registered.
- The amount is one dīnār.
- Let it be registered.
- The amount is one dīnār
- Exactly.
- Praise be to God whose kindness is mysterious.
- Praise be to God for his benefactions.
- Praise be to God in whom I find support.
- Riḍā b. Maḥāsin the Jew has paid his jizya in Fustat for the year [6]23,
- under the supervision and management of the one who has registered his signature on it and issued a valid receipt.
- Half the amount:
- ½ dīnār.
- In cash:
- One dīnār
- exactly.
- On the date 8 Dhū l-Ḥijja of the same year.