رسالة: T-S H2.133
رسالة T-S H2.133What's in the PGP
- 1 Transcription
Letter in Arabic script, beautifully written in a chancery-esque hand with diacritical marks and dots. Dating: Fatimid period based on paleography and the ending formula. "We heard from a group of the merchants arriving from Fustat/Egypt that there arrived a lot of the merchandise (? al-ḥaml) which comes from Yemen, and it must be sold 'whether by money or loss' (in shāʾa bi-l-naqd in shāʾa bi-l-faqd). They have not been freed with it (? mā tatakhallaṣū bihi) from the Byzantines or the [...]." Might then mention brazilwood (baqqam) and lac. "And if the [...] does not sell (in kāna kāsid), by God, we have taken a beating (? ḍuribnā), I and Abū l-Barakāt, from distress and demands (al-ḍīqa wa-l-muṭālaba). We ultimately settled with the Maghribīs concerning the customs for the wheat which they must pay, 39 dinars [...]." (There are more specifics about the customs duties given, but they are difficult to read.) "And we wrote the receipts (al-wuṣūlāt), but they were not content, and this is part of the distress and demands. And there passed between Abū l-Barakāt...." When the letter resumes in the margin, there is a ṣalwala and ḥasbala, and the continuation is too fragmented to make sense of. The upper part and the lower part are missing. On verso, there is part of the Passover Haggada. ASE/YU.
Editor: Umrethwala, Yusuf
T-S H2.133 verso
سيما الروم الذي لا يقبلوا العذر ولا[
وقد سمعنا من جماعة من التجار الواصلين من مصر[
ان وصل كثيرا من الحمل الواصل من اليمن ويحيـ[
ان يبتاع منه ان شا بالنقد وان شا بالفقد ما[
تتخلصوا به من الرومي والمغربي[]....والبقم
والاك والـ[] فان كان ……وبالله لقد
ضربنا انا والشيخ ابو البركات من الضيقة والمطالـ[ـبة
الى ان قررنا مع المغاربة على مكس القمح الذي يلزمه[
فيه تسعة وثلثين دينارا اخذنا منهم ثلثين دينارا
وكتبنا الوصولات وما رضيو وهذا من شدة الضيق
والمطالبة وقد جرى بين الشيخ ابو البركات ادام الله
Right Margin
واله الطاهرين
وسلم تسليما
وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل