نصوص أدبيّة: JRL Gaster ar. 606

نصوص أدبيّة JRL Gaster ar. 606

What's in the PGP

  • صورة


Literary text, in Arabic script. Might have reused a state document, probably a fiscal receipt, because an ʿalama "al-ḥamdu li-llah ʿalā ʾālāʾih" can be read on verso and it seems that the writer has left space around it. Needs examination.


النصوص المفرّغة

JRL Gaster ar. 606 1 / 2 leaves, recto

1 / 2 leaves, recto

JRL Gaster ar. 606 1 / 2 leaves, verso

1 / 2 leaves, verso

JRL Gaster ar. 606 2 / 2 leaves, recto

2 / 2 leaves, recto

JRL Gaster ar. 606 2 / 2 leaves, verso

2 / 2 leaves, verso
بيان أذونات الصورة
  • JRL Gaster ar. 606: Image rights: The University of Manchester Library. Access rights: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0