وثيقة رسميّة: JRL Gaster ar. 157
وثيقة رسميّة JRL Gaster ar. 157What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
State-issued order of payment from the Treasury of Silk Looms in Alexandria. Date: 14 Jumāda II 1237 AH (1820 CE). A total of 150 kuruş are to be paid five ways by Mūsā Ben-Naʿīm, a ṣarrāf in the state administration. The recipients of the funds were working as spinners (fatāliyīn) for the state silk monopoly under the overseer (nāẓir) ʿUmr Agha– an official who appears in many other state-issued receipts from the Ben-Naʿīm brothers' papers discussed in: Dudley, Into the Anti-Archives, Chapter 5. MCD.
النصوص المفرّغة
Editor: Dudley, Matthew
Translator: Dudley, Matthew (in English)
JRL Gaster ar. 157 1 / 1 leaf, recto
Matthew Dudley, "Into the Anti-Archives: Jewish Law, Ottoman Imperial Administration, and the Early Modern Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Yale University, 2024).
- باسم
- مذكورين والفتالين من أجل أجرة فتل الحرير الوارد منهم في شهر جماد
- اخر سنة ١٢٣٧ بيع وثلاثون .....(?) عما دفع قدر على مرتبهم
- محمد حجر بدوي حجر علي النكاس علي الاجوري سالم النحاسي
- ق ق ق ق ق
- ٣٠ ٣٠ ٣٠ ٣٠ ٣٠
- عن
- ق
- ما ..(?)
- ١٥٠
- مائة وخمسين غرش
- الى المعلم موسى نعيم صراف خزنة أنوال الحرير ثغر اسكندرية
- تدفعون القدر المشروح إعلاه وقدره مائة وخمسين غرش
- لا غير قدر حسابكم في الحاج
- ١٢٣٧ عمر اغاه
- ١٤ ج اخر ناظر الحرير ثغر
- اسكندرية
- ه
Matthew Dudley, "Into the Anti-Archives: Jewish Law, Ottoman Imperial Administration, and the Early Modern Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Yale University, 2024).
- In the name of
- the spinners mentioned below, receipt of compensation for spinning the silk, the income from them in the month of Jumād[a]
- Ākhr 1237, for the sale of thirty .....(?) whereof payment is for their wages
- Muḥammad Ḥajar Badawī Ḥajar ʿAlī al-Nakās ʿAlī al-Ajūrī Sālim al-Nuḥāsī
- q[uruş] q[uruş] q[uruş] q[uruş] q[uruş]
- 30 30 30 30 30
- From
- q[uruş]
- mā..(?)
- 150
- One hundred fifty guruş
- To Muʿallam Mūsa Naʿīm ṣarrāf of the Treasury of Silk Looms of the port of Alexandria
- Pay the above discharged aount totaling to one hundred and fifty guruş
- and no other quantity by your calculation In al-Ḥajj
- 1237 ʿUmr Agha
- 14 J[umāda] Ākhr Supervisor of silk of the port
- [of] Alexandria
- by God (lit. H[üve]/H[uwa])
JRL Gaster ar. 157 1 / 1 leaf, verso
Verso (filing note in Judaeo-Arabic):
- פתאלין אל
- חריר
Verso (filing note in Judaeo-Arabic):
- Spinners of the
- Silk