ثيقة شرعيّة: ENA 2420.2

ثيقة شرعيّة ENA 2420.2



Birth records. In Italian and Hebrew. Location: Venice. Probably non-Geniza. First document: Dated: Sunday, 1 Sivan 5536 AM, which is to 19 May 1776 CE. "There was born to my daughter Sara/Sareta a daughter, and she was given the name Stella." There is a crossed-out line beginning "esborsato à. . ." on verso. Second document: Dated: Friday night, 20 Elul 5538 AM, which is 12 September 1778 CE. There was born to YIsra'el/Israel [...] a daughter, and she was given the name Rachel. The Italian portion gives the year 1779 CE, but this seems to be erroneous, as this would not match the Hebrew date or the day of the week. The second document was reused two weeks later for a lotto ticket on verso. "1778. In Venezia 26 Settembre. Pagherò coll'augumento Ducati come sotto per ogni Terno estratti di seguenti. Terno: Duecento. 520 Cattarina Scatola. 579 Maria Belotto. 588 Laura Meneguzzi." There is then a stamp of a lion roaring out a word starting with "OS. . ."

ENA 2420.2 recto


النصوص المفرّغة


ENA 2420.2 verso

بيان أذونات الصورة
  • ENA 2420.2: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain