قائمة/جدول: JRL SERIES C 123

قائمة/جدول JRL SERIES C 123



List of contributions to the communal "chest" (ארגז) of the Sephardi congregation. Dated [5]592 AM which is 1831/32 CE. The names of those listed include: Esther bt. Makhlūf, [Eliy]ahu Tilqī, Yaʿaqov Menashe aka Qaṭawī, Eliyahu Levi Gornjlī[?], Benyamīn Curiel, Yosef Dasa, Khalīfa Pinṭo, Shelomo Morḥayyīm, Israʾel Abū-Drahem, Yosef al-Bīnda, Ṣulṭāna bt. Yiṣḥaq Qor..bīyal, Diyamante (Diamante) wife of Ḥayyīm Pesaḥ, the little daughter of Ḥabīb Sofriel, and the little daughters of Poeta[?] (פויתא). MCD.

JRL SERIES C 123 1 / 1 leaf, recto

1 / 1 leaf, recto

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JRL SERIES C 123 1 / 1 leaf, verso

1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  • JRL SERIES C 123: Image rights: The University of Manchester Library. Access rights: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0