رسالة: AIU VII.E.53

رسالة AIU VII.E.53



Page 2 is a calligraphic letter in Hebrew to the elders of Alexandria, dated 5458 AM = 1697/98 CE, signed by three men, on behalf of a woman who, along with her infant son, had been abandoned by her husband Yaʿaqov al-Luzio (? אללוזייו or possibly אללומיו) b. Avraham. Yaʿaqov had moreover sent to tell her that if she attempted to follow him, he would steal away in the dead of night and she would be left to wander the land. The writers of this letter ask for the addressees' help to bring Yaʿaqov before a court before he escapes from Egypt, and make him give her the geṭ and pay her ketubba in full (6000 medins) as well as the cost of food that he has been negligent in providing for his wife and his son all this time. Page 1 is a puzzling set of drafts of letters and perhaps legal documents in Hebrew, including one that opens in the same manner as the letter on Page 2, but others of which have nothing to do with it. Needs further examination. ASE