رسالة: T-S AS 151.149
رسالة T-S AS 151.149What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 1 Transcription
Recto (secondary use): Note addressed to Abū l-Majd. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely early 13th century. The sender has carried out Abū l-Majd's instruction and sent with the bearer 6.5 dirhams of "muʿaffaṣ" (something dyed with galls) and 1 dirham of "qirmiz" (crimson) and 1/4 dirham of white. Ibn Ruzayq has not yet traveled; he was with the sender. The children send their regards. There is a ḥamdala in Arabic script in the right margin (might belong with the separate document on verso, but might also belong with this note).
النصوص المفرّغة
Editor: Elbaum, Alan
T-S AS 151.149 1r

Alan Elbaum, [طبعة وثيقة جينيزا رقمية] (n.p., 2024).
- וצלת רקעה [אל]שיך אבו אלמגד אדאם אללה
- סעאדתה ואמת{ת}ל אלממלוך אמרהא
- וסיר צחבה חאמלהא סתה דר ונצף
- מעפץ ודר קרמז ורבע אביץ
- ובן רזיק מא סאפר אלי אסעה לאנה
- כאן ענדי קבל וצול רסולהא אנהי
- ממלוכהא דלך ואלצביאן יסלמוא עליהא
- ושלומה יגדאל(!)
T-S AS 151.149 1v