ثيقة شرعيّة: AIU VII.A.42
ثيقة شرعيّة AIU VII.A.42الوصف
Legal testimonies. In Hebrew. Dated: 20 Kislev 5418 AM (verso) and perhaps Tishrei 5411 AM (recto) but the recto year is damaged to the extent that the reading התיא is uncertain. In any case, the clearly preserved date 20 Kislev 5418 AM is 1657 CE. The first testimony is from Aharon Zaytūn and the second is from Moshe חדדו(?). They are both describing a convoluted case involving a Muslim named Muḥammad al-Wakīl and the Jews Yaʿqūb and his companion and perhaps a dairy maker or bricklayer (al-Labbān). It seems that Yaʿqūb and his companion were murdered (r17–18, v2–3). The Bassātīn cemetery may be mentioned (r10). These two testimonies are from Kislev, and the third is from Tishrei and in different handwriting, meaning it was from the following year at earliest, and perhaps several years later (the dates are given, but tricky to read). Yosef A[.]wāb testifies about a Muslim named ʿUmar. But the content is hard to determine. This testimony is signed by Yehuda b. Ḥizqiya ha-Kohen and Yosef b. Barukh. The first two testimonies are not signed.