قائمة/جدول: T-S NS J569
قائمة/جدول T-S NS J569الوصف
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 16th century, as the largest portion concerns the expenses of Moshe לחמית traveling to Jerusalem (taraqqi al-quds); the same man appears in Moss. IV,93, which dates to ~1557 CE. The stations of the journey are listed: Khānka(?), Bilbays, קורן, Ṣāliḥiyya, Qaṭyā, and ʿArīsh (the expenses in these locations are not itemized); then Gaza with ~19 distinct entries; then Ramla with ~45 distinct entries; then גיב, then Jerusalem. The purchases in Gaza include firewood, shīrīn (=sweets?), fodder (ʿalīq), laundry straw, chickens, rice, eggs, coffee. The purchases in Ramla include all the same and more. The tables on verso are clearly written but inscrutable—perhaps this is an accounting shorthand. Merits further examination.