رسالة: T-S NS 327.4

رسالة T-S NS 327.4


Fragment of a letter. In Arabic script. The addressee seems to be a scholar and physician in the entourage of the Mamluk sultan Qānṣūh al-Ghūrī (r. 1501–16): al-jināb al-karīm al-ʿālī al-mawlawī. . . lisān al-mutakallimīn ḥujjat al-munāẓirīn munāṣiḥ al-mulūk wa-l-salāṭīn. . . . rayyis al-aṭibbāʾ. . . ." There follow some blessings for him, then four lines of homage to the sultan himself, whose name appears at the beginning of the penultimate line. ASE