قائمة/جدول: T-S J1.59
قائمة/جدول T-S J1.59الوصف
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated on the verso, 6 Shawwal 954 AH (1547 CE). The entries involve a dīwān, the Bāb Zuweyla, and perhaps other locations in Cairo/Egypt. The word "סוייס" on the verso may indicate "Suez." Some names include the Ottoman titles such as shāwīsh, agha, and basha. The heading on the verso mentions a certain Muḥammad Muteferriqa and this name repeats on the recto with Ḥuseyn Muteferriqa and Muṣtafa Muteferriqa. The high concentration of names with Muteferriqa included points to the likelihood that these men were members of one of Cairo's seven military regiments (the Muteferrika regiment). Requires further examination. MCD.