رسالة: T-S Ar.35.33

رسالة T-S Ar.35.33


Letter addressed to Abū l-Riḍā b. Hilāl, the secretary (kātib) in "the compound of al-Ḥāfiẓ" (al-rabʿ al-Ḥāfiẓī al-saʿīd) at Bāb Zuwayla in New Cairo. The sender's name appears on verso but is tricky to read (Ibn ʿAlam al-dawla?). The sender refers to both himself and the addressee as "friend" or "honest"(ṣadīq/ṣiddīq). On recto, only the first few lines of the main text and the last few lines of the marginal text are preserved. There is a date on verso at 180 degrees to the address: 16 Dhū l-Qaʿda 550 AH (after the end of the reign of al-Ḥāfiẓ, 1132–49 CE).
