رسالة: CUL Or.1080 J282
رسالة CUL Or.1080 J282الوصف
Letter to a certain [...] [Kelil] ha-Yofi Ḥemdat ha-Yeshiva b. Yosef ha-Zaqen. In Judaeo-Arabic. Generous space between the lines. Mentions the news that the addressee and others arrived in al-ʿArīsh safely, and the subsequent arrival of couriers (najjābīn) who reported the addressee's arrival in Bilbays. Mentions the arrival of a letter from the Gaon in Iyyar (כתאב מן הדרת הגאונות תכון לעד) containing instructions about appointing a parnas (ויסמא פיה פרנאס ותאריכה אייר). Greetings to many people: Abū l-Barakāt; al-Baghdādī; Abū l-Faraj; Hiba; Abū Saʿd; and Yūsuf.